Staying motivated

Unless you've lived in Cornwall, you probably won't understand it when I say that this place is hands down the most backwards ass, boring heap of rock there is to be stuck in. Now, i've spent my childhood growing up here so of course I'm going to think that. Sure, it's lovely to visit on short durations, when the sun is beating down at you whilst you're sipping Cornish cider down at the beach. However, during the winter? ooo' that's another question. It's so damn cold in Cornwall during the winter, like depressingly cold that requires you to go into hibernation if you're wanting to make it through to the other side.
This being said, I only have myself to blame. Especially after making the decision in late October that I was bored of London life and instead wanted to go travelling, see the world whilst I can. Only trouble was, I had a small financial hiccup, was no longer working and had an apartment I could barely afford in London, not exactly the best combination. So what do I do?
I moved back to Cornwall with my parents temporarily until the new year and it's currently been 6 weeks very long weeks. Sure, it had been wonderful to see the folks, family members that I haven't seen in years and old friends... But there is only so much of the whole Cornish vibe that little ol' me can handle.
So how do I keep myself from going insane? Well, for starters keeping in contact with the outside world (aka London folks) really does help. Reminding myself on a daily basis on why I'm back at home, it's not to lounge around and do nothing, even though that is literally what I'm doing every single day, in some way. I frequently check plane tickets, hotels, weather, activities, legit anything and everything on destinations I want to go. I honestly keep finding new and exciting places, my list just keeps getting longer and longer. Finally, I pass the time and keep my motivations up towards travelling my flicking through Instagram like a mad man. Liking, following *cough* stalking, the every growing travellers account. You've seen them right? The accounts that posts amazing photos from their adventures in the Maldives or the Bahamas. But it's not just photos, it's super beautiful and awesome videos that just make you envious for their lives.No matter where they are, what I'm seeing on my phone (and sometimes crying about it because I just want to leave already) I'm counting down the days for when I'll be able to set off for my solo mission around the world, with a camera in one hand and the passport in the other.
Below I have listed my favourite Instagram accounts that I follow, whom inspires and motivates me to get the hell out of Cornwall. None showing in any particular order, so scroll down. Click some links. Hit that follow button etc etc. Finally, if you've come across this blog and I've listed you below, I just want to say thank you for sharing your travels with the world and I hope to meet and quite possible create some amazing content with you one day amongst our travels.
Juhani Särglep
IG - @juhanisarglep
Garrett King
IG - @shortstache
Michelle Karam
IG - @traveljunkiediary
Paris Verra
IG - @parisverra
Mel Vandersluis
IG - @mvandersluis
IG - @jordaaaan_
Tyger Lyons
IG - @tygerlyons
Sam Kolder
IG - @sam_kolder
Jack Morris &
Lauren Bullen
IG - @doyoutravel & @gypsea_lust
Chelsea Yamase
IG - @chelseakauai
Tara Whiteman
IG - @taramilktea / @tara._
Matthew Hahnel
IG - @matthewhahnel
Lauren Riboldi
IG - @ockeydockey