London, UK
2014 - 2017
In 2014 I made the big decision to move to London for university to study Photography. 3 years, 3 apartments, lots of stress, a little bit of depression, some major drinking issues, lots of RedBulls, sleepless nights (good and bad), Netflix binges... All of the typical uni student malarky I guess, I finally graduated in June 2017. Despite all of the crazy things that occurred during my 3 years in London, it wasn't all focused on uni as I engaged myself in the fashion industry which meant that I was always out meeting new people, partying with models, designers and stylists. I won't lie, it was tiring but it was all worth it and great. NO! AMAZING FUN!
I literally couldn't plan, or even try to recreate what I did in London over the 3 years. That is why it was such a difficult decision to make. To drop it all and move on. I hadn't considered ever moving out of London, let alone to move everything into storage at my parents in Cornwall. However, the decision to move out of London comes with a bigger adventure and although I am currently staying with my parents, this isn't permanent. I simply need to experience something new.