Paris Tsang

August in Cornwall

Paris Tsang
August in Cornwall

To anyone who aren’t from Cornwall, you might think it’s a lovely place to visit, as you all jump into your cars and head on down the A30 towards the Cornish border. I mean, yeah I get it. The beaches here are top tier, some of the best in the UK and it’s just very picturesque. But what does that mean for us locals who are down here?

Well, don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining about tourism because at the end of the day, that’s what brings the money in. That’s how most of the shops, restaurants, holiday camps, cafes, you name it, pretty much everything in Cornwall need the Summer trade to be able to survive through the Winter. So yeah, come on down and give us all your money. BUT! The problem for us locals is that we can’t go anywhere nice, everywhere it packed and especially during these uncertain times of pandemic, luring over us and the government screaming “EAT OUT, TO HELP OUT!” and “It’s okay to travel” it means that us locals stick to our local areas. So that’s what Zoe and I did, we walked locally and I have to admit it’s been nice. We’ve found some open fields where Zoe can run off and zoom around life the mad dog that she is, chasing after balls like they’re going to disappear if she doesn’t catch them all. Which, if you have a dog that is ball mad, you will know that you go through balls like underpants.

But during the Summer in Cornwall, as a local…. pft. NIGHTMARE.
Want to visit the beach? Good job doing that with a dog, if it wasn’t hard enough you’ve got beach bans, but parking is almost impossible. If you do manage to go to dog friendly beach, which there are plenty in Cornwall to those bloody emits who decide it’s okay to bring their dog to a no dog beach, well….. Hope you get fined, because they’re there for a reason. Anyway, if you do manage to get a spot during the day to take your dog down to the dog friendly beach, you’ll have some person who is clearly not “from round ere” giving you shit, especially me. I know I’m not white, I mean….. Look at me! I’m obviously Chinese, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a local… The amount of people this year who are not from Cornwall, yes we can tell by your license plate, I know it’s not a fool proof plan as some people from Cornwall buy their cars from up the line, but for the most part, number plates starting with WK or WL is the southwest, for those who didn’t know. Anyway, the amount of people who are clearly not from Cornwall or Devon, that I have encountered and gave me trouble because I don’t look like I’m from Cornwall is astonishing. I feel like every year we get more and more stupid people. Obviously this year there were going to be an influx as flights abroad have been limited to essential travel only, making everyone thing “Oh let’s go to Cornwall".”